Social Workers and Psychologists
If you are looking to get in contact with our school Social Worker, Caryn Olsen please email her at or call her at 612-668-0881.
Mission: We exist to help students reach their full potential. We collaborate with families, staff and community to provide direct service to students and develop school systems that further the social, emotional and academic growth of students.
Vision: Every student mentally, physically and emotionally secure; actively learning and engaged in their education.
Values: 1. Right to a quality education 2. Integrity 3. Equity 4. Social Justice 5. Competence 5. Dignity and Worth of Each Person 6. Service 7. Importance of Human Relationships
Our Promise: Minneapolis Public Schools Social Work Department promises to provide social work services to support academic success, mental health and equity for all students.
Our Strategies: Leadership, Intervention and Advocacy to support: student mental health, equity, social/emotional learning, family engagement, staff and administration, student attendance, community partner collaboration, crisis intervention, and a continuum of services for students with unique needs.
If you are looking to get in contact with our School Psychologist, Alan Tharoldson please email him at or call him at 612-668-4990.
School psychologists support the educational and social/emotional health of students from birth to 21 years of age in the Minneapolis Public Schools. They are part of the Department of Special Education, but they work with students in both general and special education.